About me

Friends … Represent, I shall write something about somebody not so, and everything, my site will get in the black list of the Internet user. Friends, I appeal to you, you do not abuse me!!!

My first school - school of arts ? 11. In an elementary school I studied in "Д" a class, on the average a part I have passed in "And" a class (humanitarian) so by the end 9 classes I knew all parallel.

Passed examinations in 9 class, I have passed in a grammar school ? 4 where has studied 2 unforgettable years. To reach our grammar school to us it was necessary to reach about the beginning on any transport to a stop, then to rise in a hill, then to go down from a hill and again to rise in a hill, only you do not think, that this hill could be bypassed, not so all is simple on a way to knowledge! To study it was difficult … or it is not difficult, a question at issue. In the beginning 10 classes we in literal sense Words spent the night in a grammar school with our teachers. посудите: study began at 8.30, and we left a grammar school on the average in 17. Our class such amicable can therefore, in fact together we spent for 8-9 hours per day, 6 days to a week?!

About the 11 "Г" I can write as much as necessary, I ADORE the class! It the most rallied, the most cheerful, the most unruly At once you recollect any cheerful histories, here only a part from them cheerful seem just now! Never I shall forget, as we for April, 1st in a class had a huge quantity двоек, in several subjects at once. Here fun that was! Or when we a class went on a camp site under New year, got into small houses through windows on which there was a lattice. It was very difficult, since there was a risk to get to our class teacher, besides trailblazers, having forgotten to remove.

Now many my schoolmates continue study in Murmansk, one have left for Moscow, and others study here, in Peter, at different universities (Бонч, St.Petersburg State University, Макаровка, Herzen).

About institute friends read on a page My university.

I wish all of good luck in a life, on is more kind, good mood, love and the same excellent friends as at me!

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